COVID-19 Compliance Information

All parents/carers must read and consent to our COVID-19 compliance guidelines below.

1. Before the 10:30 start, staff will wipe down the tables and classroom areas to be used by the children. Each Group/Bubble will have and only use their own set of resources.

2. Parents will not be allowed in the College; all children will be dropped off and picked up from the front entrance. Parents need to ensure that their children are dropped off and picked up on time.

3. Children must be dropped off between 10:15 – 10:30 and collected between 13:00.

4. At the entrance a member of staff will sign in each child; ask them to sanitise their hands at the entrance; and then direct them to their Group/Bubble. There will be four Groups/Bubbles – Years 1 & 2, Years 3 & 4, Years 5 & 6 and Years 7 to 11.

5. At the end of the school day, teachers will walk their classes down to the entrance of the College where parents will receive them.

6. Each Group/Bubble will not be allowed to interact with anyone from another Group/Bubble throughout the day. Children will be expected to work, eat lunch and socialise only with the persons in their Group/Bubble and will remain at all times in their own area, except for the use of the toilet.

7. Going to and from the toilets will be supervised.

8. Every child will be expected to thoroughly sanitise/wash their hands before entering their Group/Bubble and before/after eating their lunch.

9. If a child is suspected of having Covid-19 symptoms, she/he will be placed in the office and their parents notified to come and collect them immediately. All of the parents in the same Group/Bubble will be notified.

10. The School advises that if anyone in a relevant household is self-isolating, the child should not come to school.

Additional Information

To ensure the safety of our children and volunteers during this time, we are not currently running our tuckshop at break time. We ask parents/carers to provide children with a snack and water for the break.

We are continuing to monitor government guidance to schools in London relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and if there are any changes to our dates and opening times, we will keep you posted.